This is officially the first game I've made using my own sparky editor. It's also the Q entry into the Alphabet Superset challenge by Struthless.

Q is for Quiet. And this game is kind of a "back to the roots" move for me as a game developer. I've always been fascinated by old "golden age" one-screen score-chasing arcade-style games, and when I started making games my purpose was to sit quietly in my room and make 8-bit arcade score chasers for my own amusement. So here is a simplistic lunar lander rip-off, taken almost straight from the Pico-8 zine by Dylan Bennett, just for the purpose of taking Sparky for a spin and making it sing and dance for me.

There are some bugs in the engine (the dicovery of which was kind of the purpose of this production), but on a reasonable computer they shouldn't be a problem.

Play with arrow keys and the "Z" button (or the A onscreen button on mobile). A gamepad should work fine as well.

As usual, you can go to my itch blog for some musings concerning its design and reason for existing.

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